
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 20 to 26 July 2015

We keep seeing a steady stream of quality nature photos taken in Africa over on our Google+ page: +AFRICANature 

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

These mating lions were photographed in Kenya's Maasai Mara by +Piper MacKay. Head on over to her profile and follow her!

This photo is the copyright of Piper Mackay and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 20 to 26 July 2015

We stuck with an open them for the week of 20 to 26 July 2015.
The variety and quality of images received for our #AnythingGoes theme is usually very high.

This monochrome leopard half-hidden from sight immediately caught our attention - the photographer is Manuel Graf, and you can see more of his work on his WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Manuel Graf and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Monday, November 30, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 13 to 19 July 2015

We keep seeing a steady stream of quality nature photos taken in Africa over on our Google+ page: +AFRICANature 

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

This tender warthog interaction in Mana Pools was photographed by +Wayne Marinovich.

This photo is the copyright of Wayne Marinovich and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 13 to 19 July 2015

We had an open theme for the week of 13-19 July 2015, and so our #AnythingGoes hashtag produced some great imagery as always.

This hippo emerging with loads of energy from the water was shared by Keith Connelly. You can head over to his WEBSITE for more of his quality photos.

This photo is the copyright of Keith Connelly and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Sunday, November 15, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 6 to 12 July 2015

We keep seeing a steady stream of quality nature photos taken in Africa over on our Google+ page: +AFRICANature 

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

+Alistair Knock shared this lovely elephant photo with us.

This photo is the copyright of Alistair Knock and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 6 to 12 July 2015

Our theme for the week of 6 to 12 July 2015 was all about the magnificent raptors that roam the African skies. #BirdsofPrey received some wonderful images, like we do every week, which makes selecting one to feature a tough task.

Mark Drysdale shared this photo of a Tawny Eagle in full flight. You can check out more of Mark's photography on his WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Mark Drysdale and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Monday, November 2, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 29 June to 5 July 2015

We keep seeing a steady stream of quality nature photos taken in Africa over on our Google+ page: +AFRICANature 

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

+Linda Villers keeps amazing us with her photos from the island of Madagascar. This is from the avenue of Baobab trees.

This photo is the copyright of Linda Villers and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 29 June to 5 July 2015

We ran an open theme again for this particular week - so indeed #AnythingGoes was the hashtag.

We received some wonderful images, like we do every week, which makes selecting one to feature a tough task.

Dayne Braine shared this wonderful photo of a Greater Flamingo wading through an Etosha waterhole, with some African Elephants in the background. Check out his FACEBOOK PAGE for more of his work!

This photo is the copyright of Dayne Braine and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, October 8, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 22 to 28 June 2015

We keep seeing a steady stream of quality nature photos taken in Africa over on our Google+ page: +AFRICANature 

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

+Carole Deschuymere shared this wonderful elephant profile with us!

This photo is the copyright of Carole Deschuymere and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 22 to 28 June 2015

We ran an open theme again for this particular week - so indeed #AnythingGoes was the hashtag.

We received some wonderful images, like we do every week, which makes selecting one to feature a tough task.

Felix Reinders captured this perspective of a mountain stream in the Drakensberg mountain range of South Africa. See more of his work on his WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Felix Reinders and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 15 to 21 June 2015

We keep seeing a steady stream of quality nature photos taken in Africa over on our Google+ page: +AFRICANature 

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

+Chad Wright shared this lovely photo of a Pearl-spotted Owlet with us.

This photo is the copyright of Chad Wright and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 15 to 21 June 2015

Our theme on Facebook for the week of 15 to 21 June 2015 was all about elephants, and we used the hashtag #Trunkated - we like to be quirky and punny like that.

We received some wonderful images, like we do every week, which makes selecting one to feature a tough task.

This lovely photo of an elephant enjoying a bath in the Chobe river that separates Botswana from Namibia was taken by Corlette Wessels. You can see more of her photography on her WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Corlette Wessels and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Monday, August 31, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 8 to 14 June 2015

Hello friends! We hope you have enjoyed the images featured on our blog.

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

+Jaco Marx shared this lovely moody photo of the embattled White Rhino.

This photo is the copyright of Jaco Marx and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Friday, August 28, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 8 to 14 June 2015

We had another OPEN THEME for the week of 8 to 14 June 2015. If you missed it, make sure you follow our Facebook Page...

This lovely photo of a cheetah female and her cub was shared by Johan de la Rey, and you can see more of his photography on his Facebook Page

This photo is the copyright of Johan de la Rey and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Saturday, August 22, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 1 to 7 June 2015

Hello friends! We hope you have enjoyed the images featured on our blog.

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

This cute photo was taken by +Renata Ewald...

This photo is the copyright of Renata Ewald and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Friday, August 21, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 1 to 7 June 2015

Our theme on Facebook for the week of 1 to 7 June 2015 was all about the magical time between sunset and sunrise in Africa - #DusktoDawn!

We received some wonderfully moody and atmospheric photos from our community for this theme. Alas, we could only choose one for this feature.

This magnificent male lion at sunset in Madikwe was photographed by Werner Dippenaar. Check out his FACEBOOK PAGE for more of his work!

This photo is the copyright of Werner Dippenaar and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Friday, August 14, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 19 to 31 May 2015

Hello friends! We hope you have enjoyed the images featured on our blog.
We are lagging a bit in terms of dates, but don't fret, we will keep running a weekly feature as regularly as possible.

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

This cheetah flying at full speed was photographed by +Wayne Marinovich in the Kalahari desert (South Africa).

This photo is the copyright of Wayne Marinovich and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Friday, August 7, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 19 to 31 May 2015

This particular week was an OPEN THEME on our Facebook Page - and as usual we received some amazing images to share with our community.

This photo of an elephant bull reflected in a waterhole was taken by Kyle de Nobrega.
You can see more of his lovely photography on his Facebook Page.

This photo is the copyright of Kyle de Nobrega and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Saturday, July 18, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 18 to 24 May 2015

Hello friends! We hope you have enjoyed the images featured on our blog.
We are lagging a bit in terms of dates, but don't fret, we will keep running a weekly feature as regularly as possible.

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

This wonderful sunset showing baobab trees in Madagascar was shared by +Linda Villers.

This photo is the copyright of Linda Villers and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Friday, July 17, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 18 to 24 May 2015

Our theme for the week of 18 to 24 May on our Facebook Page was #InColdBlood.

It was all about cold-blooded animals (specifically reptiles, amphibians and fish). We asked our community of photographers to show us creative and compelling photos of these animals which are often ignored on platforms such as social media.

We received many great submissions, but this low angle photo of an African Rock Python swallowing an impala whole stole the show a bit. It was taken by Fred von Winckelmann, and you can see more of his work on his WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Fred von Winckelmann and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Sunday, July 12, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 11 to 17 May 2015

Hello friends! We hope you have enjoyed the images featured on our blog.
We are lagging a bit in terms of dates, but don't fret, we will keep running a weekly feature as regularly as possible.

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

+Susan Portnoy is featured this week with a stunning photo of one of Namibia's desert-adapted elephants.

This photo is the copyright of Susan Portnoy and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 11 to 17 May 2015

Well now, our theme for the week of 11 to 17 May on Facebook was all about Mother's in nature - it was the week in which we celebrated Mother's Day all over the world, so a fitting one indeed. #MommyMagic saw us receiving many adorable and "awww" moment photographs from our community.

This photo by Marlon du Toit stood out to us - the symmetry, soft colours and great composition made it a firm choice to feature this week. You can see more of his work on his WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Marlon du Toit and unauthorised use is prohibited

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, July 2, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 4 to 10 May 2015

Hello everyone.
If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

+Derek Evens shared this lovely photo of a Marabou Stork under a full moon with us.

This photo is the copyright of Derek Evens and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 4 to 10 May 2015

The week of 4 to 10 May saw us host an #AnythingGoes week on our Facebook Page. This "open theme" always evokes such a wide range of quality submissions, that choosing one to feature is a daunting task.

William Steel shared this gorgeous photo of a Dung Beetle doing what it does best...roll dung! It's not often we get to feature the smaller critters of Africa, so this was an apt choice. You can see more on his FACEBOOK PAGE

This photo is the copyright of William Steel and unauthorised use is prohibited

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Friday, June 19, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 27 April to 3 May 2015

Hello everyone.
If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

+Jaco Marx shared this cracking monochrome image of a leopard in a tree!

This photo is the copyright of Jaco Marx and unauthorised use is prohibited.
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 27 April to 3 May 2015

The week of 27 April to 3 May saw us host an #AnythingGoes week on our Facebook Page. This "open theme" always evokes such a wide range of quality submissions, that choosing one to feature is a daunting task.

This wonderfully moody monochrome photo of giraffes on the open plains of the Central Kalahari was shared by Hendri Venter - make sure you check out his WEBSITE too!

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 20 to 26 April 2015

The week of 20 to 26 April saw us host an #AnythingGoes week on our Facebook Page.

This spectacular photo of a lioness charging through the waters of the Okavango Delta really stood out. The photographer is Brendon Cremer, you can see more of his work on his WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Brendon Cremer and unauthorised use is prohibited
We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, May 21, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 13 to 19 April 2015

Hello everyone.
If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

Share your images using the #AFRICANature hashtag...

+Anne McKinnell shared this wonderfully moody photo of lion cubs on a kopje in the Serengeti with us.

This photo is the copyright of Anne McKinnell and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature