
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 10 to 16 March 2014

Folks, our awesome theme is now live on Google+ as well, and you can find the official AFRICANature G+ page HERE.

Participation is coming along nicely - more or less on the same principles as on our Facebook page.

Our first pic of the week from G+ is from +Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos (you can go directly to his G+ profile through Blogger's intuitive integration with G+). His website can be accessed here:

 How lovely is this image of oryx/gemsbok from Namibia's Namib desert??

This photo is the copyright of Konstantinos Arvanitopolous and unauthorised use is prohibited

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks to the AfricaNature team for selecting my image as the first "G+ Pic of the Week", I am honoured!
