
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 26 January to 1 February 2015

Google+ is such a vibrant community to share your photos on.
We just love the variety of photo themes on offer for photographers of all interests and skill levels to participate in.

The #AFRICANature theme is proving quite popular and we are seeing some great images being shared.

This unique perspective of Baobab avenue in Madagascar was photographed by +Alex Lapidus...

This photo is the copyright of Alex Lapidus and unauthorised use is prohibited.

Thanks again to everyone who is contributing to the AFRICANature theme on G+. Remember to tag your quality African wildlife and landscape photos on G+ with the hashtag #AFRICANature and also tag the +AFRICANature page so we can consider your work for resharing and a possible feature here on the blog.

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