
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Facebook Pic of the Week: 16 to 22 June 2014

Hello everyone! Our pick from the Facebook Page for this particular week is a rarity of note. It was an open theme - "anything goes" literally as long as it's natural and African.

This photo shows the rare Pangolin - an ant-eater with a quirky look and an ability to elude most safari fanatics for years due to its shy and nocturnal nature. Unfortunately, it's also the target of large-scale poaching as their scales are falsely believed to contain medicinal value (much like the case is with rhino horn). Just recently a shipment of more than 1 ton was confiscated, equaling a shocking amount of lost pangolins in the wild.

This week's photographer is Andy Lowe, based in Zimbabwe. You can see more of his lovely work on his website:

This photo is the copyright of Andy Lowe and unauthorised use is prohibited

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa!

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