
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 15 to 21 June 2015

We keep seeing a steady stream of quality nature photos taken in Africa over on our Google+ page: +AFRICANature 

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

+Chad Wright shared this lovely photo of a Pearl-spotted Owlet with us.

This photo is the copyright of Chad Wright and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Facebook & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Facebook Pic of the Week: 15 to 21 June 2015

Our theme on Facebook for the week of 15 to 21 June 2015 was all about elephants, and we used the hashtag #Trunkated - we like to be quirky and punny like that.

We received some wonderful images, like we do every week, which makes selecting one to feature a tough task.

This lovely photo of an elephant enjoying a bath in the Chobe river that separates Botswana from Namibia was taken by Corlette Wessels. You can see more of her photography on her WEBSITE.

This photo is the copyright of Corlette Wessels and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature