
Thursday, July 17, 2014

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 7 to 13 July 2014

There was one photo that really stood out to us from the +AFRICANature page on Google+...

+Penny Robartes shared this magical photo of the embattled White Rhino, where light and mood come together to tell us something more about this subject. Over 1700 rhinos have been lost in the Kruger National Park alone since 2010, with reports coming thick and fast of Mozambican poaching kingpins living it large in neighbouring towns like Massingir. It seems there is little hope left for rhinos...

This photo is the copyright of Penny Robartes and unauthorised use is prohibited
Thanks again to everyone who is starting to contribute to the AFRICANature theme on G+. Remember to tag your quality African wildlife and landscape photos on G+ with the hashtag #AFRICANature and also tag the +AFRICANature page so we can consider your work for resharing and a possible feature here on the blog.

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