
Friday, February 19, 2016

GooglePlus Pic of the Week: 3 to 9 August 2015

Contrary to popular belief there is a lot of great photo sharing going on on Google+, if you are on that network check out our page: +AFRICANature 

Are you enjoying our walk down the archives of last year?

If you haven't started sharing your nature photos taken in Africa with our exciting daily theme on Google+ yet - what's keeping you???

This image was captured by +Derek Evens in the Kruger National Park...

This photo is the copyright of  Derek Evens and unauthorised use is prohibited.

We hope you enjoyed this selection. Please do share our webpage with those who are also interested in the natural heritage of Africa! 

We are also on Google+ & Twitter: @AFRICA_Nature
Now also on Instagram - search for @africa_nature

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